Restaurant Menu
Mozarella Caprese
Fresh Mozzarella with tomato and basil, simple and refined.
Mozzarella fresh with tomato and basil, simple and refined.
Shrimp croquettes / croquettes de crevettes
Crispy shrimp croquettes with fried parsley & lemon
Croquettes de crevettes croustillantes au persil frit et citron
Cheese croquettes / Croquettes au fromage
Aged cheese in croquette form, served as a tasty bite
Fromage affiné sous forme de croquette, servi en bouchée savoureuse
Duo of shrimp and cheese croquette / Duo de crevettes - et croquettes au fromage
Double the enjoyment with a combination of shrimp and cheese croquettes.
Double the plaisir with a combination of croquettes aux crevettes and fromage.
Smoked salmon / Saumon fumé
Verfijnde gerookte zalm, een ware delicatesse
Le saumon fumé raffiné, un vrai délice
Goat cheese / Fromage de chèvre
With honey & pesto, a tasty combination.
Avec du miel et du pesto, an association savoureuse.
Scampi in the look / Langoustines dans le look
Juicy scampi in a garlic sauce, a delicious choice.
Langoustines juteuses are their own sauce, a delicious choice.
Beef carpaccio / Carpaccio de bœuf
Beef carpaccio with Parmesan shavings, arugula, pine nuts
and sun-dried tomatoes
Carpaccio de bœuf aux copeaux de parmesan, roquette, pignons de pin et séchées tomatoes
Calamari Fritti / Calamars Fritti
Crispy Calamari Fritti, a seafood delicacy.
Calamari Fritti croustillant, a delicious fruit de mer.
100% Definitely Zeeland regional product. Served with Fries & Lettuce
100% Produit regional définitivement zélandais. Servi avec Frites & Laitue
Mussels nature / Moules nature
Pure enjoyment of Zeeland mussels, served with only natural flavors
A pure piece of furniture from Zélande, tableware unique with the natural aromas
Musslen curry / Curry de moules
Mussels in a delicious curry with a hint of garlic and cream. Moules dans een delicieux curry with a pointe d'ail and the cream.
Mussels white wine / Moules au vin blanc
Mussels prepared in white wine, a refined choice for the gourmet. Moules prepared au vin blanc, a choice of refinement for the gourmets
Mussels spicy / Moules épicées
Mussels with a spicy twist of sambal, garlic and cream Moules with a touch of épicée de sambal, d'ail et de crème
Mussels special / Special Moules
A special combination of flavors for the adventurous eater. A special combination for savers for the adventure adventures.
Mussels garlic cream / Moules à la crème d'ail
Mussels prepared with a delicious combination of garlic and cream, a tasty treat.
Moules préparées avec a délicieuse combinaison d'ail and de crème, a régal savoreux.
North Sea fish pan gratin / Poêlée de poisson gratiné de la mer du Nord
A delicious North Sea fish pan, richly gratinated
a true taste explosion.
A delicious meal in the Nordic region, rich in gratin and a veritable explosion of goodness.
Shrimp croquettes / croquettes de crevettes
Crispy shrimp croquettes, served with a hint of lemon and fried parsley.
Croquettes de crevettes croustillantes, crockery with a pointe de citron and persil frit
Fried salmon / Saumon cuit
Juicy baked salmon with a creamy béarnaise sauce, a real treat for the taste buds.
One saumon juteux au four with one sauce béarnaise crémeuse, and freshly prepared for the papilles
Salmon goat cheese / Fromage de chèvre au saumon
Baked salmon with a surprising twist of curry sauce, raspberries and goat cheese. A harmony of flavors.
Saumon au four with a sudden touch of sauce au curry, framboises and fromage de chèvre. A harmony of savers.
Fried scampi / Langoustine fries
Tender scampi, fried in creamy garlic butter. A classic with a delicious twist.
Tendres langoustines, frites with fresh cream à l'ail. A classic with a touch of delicacy
Scampi & curry / Langoustines et curry
Scampis in a refined curry sauce, a tasty combination that stimulates the senses.
Scampis with a sauce curry refined, an association savory stimulus les sens.
Cod white wine / Vin blanc de morue
Cod with vegetables, ham and a delicate white wine sauce. A culinary masterpiece on your plate.
Morue aux légumes, jambon and a delicate sauce au vin blanc. A chef d'œuvre culinary for assistance
Cod / Morue
Cod baked in the oven, retaining its juiciness and taste. Morue cuite au four, conservant sa jutosité et son goût.
Fried sole 3 pcs. served with a refreshing Tartar.
A fish lover's dream in every bite.
Sole fries 3 pcs. service with a tartare rafraichissant. Le rêve d'un amateur de poisson à chaque bouchée.
all dishes are served with lettuce and fries and pepper sauce, mushroom sauce, béarnaise, provincial, white wine sauce or garlic butter
tous les plats sont servis avec de la laitue et des frites et avec sauce au poivre, sauce aux champignons, béarnaise, provençale, sauce au vin blanc or beurre a l'ail
Rump steak 300G/Steak au rhum 300g
and juicy rump steak of 300 grams, perfectly grilled to your liking. A juteux steak of 300 grams, grilled and ready to eat.
Entrecôte 450g
A tender sirloin steak of 450 grams, a real treat for meat lovers.
A tender steak of 450 grams, a veritable régal for the amateurs of the viande.
Filet Mignon 250G
Enjoy the refined taste of our 250 gram filet mignon. Savor the goût raffiné of notre filet mignon of 250 grams.
Chicken fillet 300g / Filet de poulet 300g
Tender chicken fillet of 300 grams.
Filet de poulet tendre de 300 grammes.
Vol au Vent
Classic vol au vent, a delicious mix of tender pieces of meat in a creamy sauce.
Full of class, a delicate mixture of the natural flavors of the sauce and cream.
Balls in Tomato Sauce / Boulettes de viande à la sauce tomato
Juicy meatballs in a tasty tomato sauce.
Boulettes de viande juteuses dans une savory tomato sauce.
Veal escalobe “Milanese” with fresh pasta & parmesan 300 G/Escalobe de veau “Milanaise” aux pâtes fraîches & parmesan 300g
A crispy schnitzel of 300 grams, a classic in an Italian way.
An escalope croustillante of 300 grams, a classique à l'italienne.
L'Adresse Homemade Burgers
Classic Cheeseburger
With Angus Beef & Cheese, a classic with a contemporary twist.
Avec Angus Beef & Cheese, a classic with a contemporary touch.
BBQ Burger
With Angus Beef, Bacon, Onion Rings, Cheese and BBQ sauce for lovers of savory flavors.
Avec Bœuf Angus, Bacon, Rondelles d'Oignon, Fromage et sauce BBQ pour les amateurs de saveurs salees.
New York Cheeseburger
With Angus Beef, Cheese, Onion Rings & Cheese Sauce, a tasty trip to New York.
Avec Bœuf Angus, Fromage, Onion Rings & Cheese Sauce, a savory voyage to New York.
Veggie Burger
With Veggie Patty and Balsamic Sauce, a vegetarian treat full of flavor. Avec Veggie Patty et Sauce Balsamique, a vegetarian vegetable square for the savers.
Texas Chicken Burger
With Chicken Fillet, Cheese and Fried Onions for lovers of juicy poultry. Avec Filet de Poulet, Fromage et Oignons Frits pour les amateurs de volaille juteuse.
Crispy Chicken Burger
Met Crispy Chicken, fried onions, Sla & Sweet Chili Sauce
XL Tower Burger
Met Double Angus Beef, double Brood, double Sla & Double Smaak
Our pastas are served with bread
No pâtes sont crockery with pain
Spaghetti Bolognaise
A classic with rich tomato sauce and minced meat.
A classic with a rich tomato sauce and the viande hachée.
Spaghetti Carbonara
Creamy carbonara sauce with bacon and Parmesan cheese. Sauce carbonara cream with bacon and parmesan.
Spaghetti Vongole
Seafood in a delicious white wine sauce.
Fresh fruits are a delicious sauce au vin blanc.
Spaghetti Frutti di Mari
A seafood feast in tomato sauce.
A feast for the fruits of mer à la sauce tomato.
Penne Alfredo
Creamy sauce, grilled chicken & mushrooms.
Sauce crémeuse, poulet grillé & mushrooms
Penne Arrabbiata
Spicy tomato sauce with garlic Sauce tomate épicée à l'ail
Layered pasta with bolognese sauce and béchamel sauce. Pâtes étagées with sauce bolognaise and sauce béchamel.
Filled with a tasty mix of ricotta, spinach and tomato sauce.
A delicious Italian delicacy.
Rempli d'un savoreux mélange de ricotta, d'épinards et de sauce tomato. A delicious Italian gourmand.
Tagliatelle Scampi
Met Scampi, Petersilie en olijfolie
Our salads are served with bread /
Nos salads and dishes with pain
Salade “Ceaser” / Salade “César”
With crispy chicken and bread crusts, a classic Caesar salad with a twist. Avec du poulet croustillant et des croûtes de pain, a salad César classique with a touch of originality.2
Salade Burrata
With burrata, Coppa & pesto, a delicious Burrata salad for lovers of Italian flavors.
Avec burrata, Coppa & pesto, a delicious salad Burrata for amateur Italian savers.
Salade “Scampi”
A tasty salad with juicy scampi and garlic.
A savory salad with langoustines and juteuses.
Salad with warm goat cheese / Salad de chèvre chaud
With honey & nuts, a delicious combination of warm goat cheese, sweet honey and crunchy nuts.
In the meantime, a delicious association from which the chèvre chaud comes from, it is delicious and without croquantes
Salade Niçoise
With tuna, potatoes, green beans, cherry tomatoes, olives,
eggs and onion. A classic with fresh ingredients.
Avec thon, pommes de terre, haricots verts, tomatoes cerises, olives, œufs et oignon.
Unique with the fresh ingredients.
Especially for our young guests / Surtout pour nos jeunes invités
Spaghetti Bolognese
A child-friendly portion of our classic spaghetti with tasty bolognese sauce.
A portion adapted to the enfants of our classic spaghettis with a savory sauce bolognaise.
Chicken nuggets with fries
Juicy chicken nuggets served with crispy fries, the perfect treat for little gourmets.
Nuggets de poulet juteux serve with the frites croustillantes, the régal parfait for the petits gourmets.
Hamburger with fries
A childhood favorite: a tasty hamburger with accompanying fries
for a nice meal.
The favorite of children: a tasty hamburger accompanied by fries for a savory snack.
Warm apple pie with vanilla ice cream/Tarte tiède aux pommes avec glace vanilla
A classic dessert of warm apple pie served with creamy vanilla ice cream.
A dessert classique composition d'une tarte aux pommes chaude servie with a glace cream à la vanilla.
Enjoy the delicious flavors of this Italian classic, prepared with mascarpone and coffee.
Enjoy the Italian classics, prepared with mascarpone and café.
Choco Soufflé with Mango Ice Cream/Soufflé au Choco et Glace à la Mangue
A heavenly chocolate soufflé, accompanied by refreshing mango ice cream.
A soufflé au chocolat divin, accompanied by a glaze à la mangue raf raîchissante.
Ijs / Glace
Choose your favorite sundae.
Choisissez votre coupe glacée préférée.
Coupe Dame Blanche
Vanilla ice cream with warm chocolate sauce and whipped cream. Glace vanilla with sauce chaude au chocolat et chantilly.
Coupe Advocaat / Avocat Coupé
Vanilla ice cream with warm chocolate sauce and whipped cream. Glace vanilla with sauce chaude au chocolat et chantilly.
Coupe Brésilienne
A tasty combination of vanilla ice cream, nuts, and warm caramel. A savory combination of vanilla glaze, noir and caramel sauce.
Waffle Sugar
Waffle Whipped Cream
Waffle Chocolate Sauce
Waffle 'L'Adresse'
Pancake Sugar
Pancake Whipped cream
Pancake Mikado
Pancake 'L'Adresse'